List of RM Tools: New Version Upcoming

In a few days from now, we will publish the next updated version of our list of requirements management (RM) tools. The current version dates from February 2014. In the meantime, many vendors have released new extended versions of their tools, or they have otherwise...

Requirements reuse with Jama

On May 9th, 2014 Andreas Birk and myself presented the Webinar “Requirements reuse – requirements practices using the tool Jama” (in German) We did show reuse practices which increase productivity and quality in development on a sustainable fashion....

Requirements Practices with Jama

On March 22, 2013 Dr. Andreas Birk and Gerald Heller provided a webinar on well established tool based requirements management (RM) practices. Using the tool Jama as an example they visualized how requirements are structured systematically requirements are managed...