This page contains a list of selected publications and associated download material of Andreas Birk and Gerald Heller.
November 2019, GI-FG Requirements-Engineering: „Potentiale und Herausforderungen in der Zusammenarbeit zwischen RE und UX“
Beim Treffen der Fachgruppe Requirements-Engineering in der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI) am 28. und 29. November 2019 in Heidelberg stellten Gerald Heller (Software.Process.Management und und Hartmut Schmitt (HK Business Solutions GmbH) die Ergebnisse einer empirischen Studie zur Zusammenarbeit von Requirement-Engineering und User Experience vor. Die Studie ist ein Ergebnis des Arbeitskreises AK REUX in der GI-Fachgruppe.
„Potentiale und Herausforderungen in der Zusammenarbeit zwischen RE und UX“
Gerald Heller, Hartmut Schmitt, Carsten Schlipf, Oliver Karras and Anne Hess
Der Foliensatz zum Vortrag kann mit diesem Download-Link von der Website der GI geladen werden.
März 2019, REConf 2019: Requirements-Tools agil einführen
Andreas Birk von Software.Process.Management und schilderte bei der REConf 2019 Requiements-Engineering Konferenz im März 2019 in München, wie Requirements-Tools mit agilen Prinzipien und Methoden wirkungsvoll ausgewählt, eingeführt und etabliert werden können:
Wie ein guter Schuh, der passt: Requirements-Tools agil einführen
Dr. Andreas Birk (Software.Process.Management)
Die Vortragsfolien stehen auf der REConf 2019 Website zur Verfügung: Download-Link
Oktober, 2011, Objektspektrum: Qualitätsmanagment in der agilen Entwicklung – QM muss sich neu positionieren
Dr. Andreas Birk and Gerald Heller published the article in the online special edition of Objektspektrum, the German magazine of software engineering. They argue for a renewed QM positioning in the agile context. The simple approach where QM is entirely integrated into development doesn’t work out in complex, large scale development contexts. They show how QM can establish a new relationship with development in agile environments.
The online special Agility is available from SIGS Datacom
December, 2010, SQ Magazin: Pfade zum Requirements-basierten Testen
Andreas Birk published the article in issue 17 of the German SQ Magazin. He elaborated several pathways how to achieve requirements-based testing. In summary: Test manager can benefit substantially from an established requirements process. Therefore it’s in their best interest to take action and drive the requirements practice in their organizations.
The SQ Magazin is available from the ASQF website.
Oct 27, 2010, Munich: Software Product Management
Gerald Heller spoke at Requirements Days 2010 in Munich (26 – 28 Oct) about software product management. The title of the talk was (in German): Der Softwareproduktmanager, das unbekannte Wesen.
Oct 6, 2010, Zurich: Agile Product Management
Gerald Heller spoke at the ReConf 2010 Zurich. The talk presented insights about the changing life of product managers when dealing with agile development organizations. The title of the talk was (in German): Produktmanagement im Wandel – der agile Produktmanager
Download the presentation slides.
Workshop on Application of Product Lines
The workshop “Produktlinien im Kontext” (PIK2010), co-organized by Andreas Birk on 23 Feb 2010 in Paderborn, Germany, has provided a forum for product line practioners. Program overview and presentation slides for download are available from the workshop homepage.
Presentation on Status of Requirements Engineering
On 26 Nov 2009, Andreas Birk, Gerald Heller, Dirk Janzen, and Mark-Oliver Reiser gave a presentation on the status of requirements engineering (RE), which compared major RE frameworks and their application in industry. The talk was entitled (in German): Wo steht das Requirements-Engineering? – Bewertung und Gegenüberstellung von RE-Frameworks. It was presented at the annual meeting of the special interest group on RE of the German Computer Society (GI e.V.) on 26/27 Nov 2009 in Essen. Download the presentation slides of the talk from the event homepage.
Presentation on Industrial Software Requirements
Andreas Birk and Gerald Heller gave a talk on “Requirements Management for Industrial Software Development” at REConf CH 2009 on 24 Sep 2009 in Zurich. Download the presentation slides from the event homepage.
Webinar: Mature Agile Development with HP Quality Center
This webinar has been given by Gerald Heller for Vivit, the independent user community of HP Software & Services, in September 2009. The webinar, as well as questions and answers are available to Vivit members from the Vivit webinar homepage. Basic Vivit membership is free of charge.
Using Releases in HP Quality Center
Gerald Heller, Vivit TQA, Frankfurt, March 2009
This presentation illustrates effective usage of HP Quality Centers release module for iterative development and test. The practices shown here can be equally applied to agile or non-agile development approaches. The presentation was delivered to the german chapter of Vivit TQA.
Presentation download | Vivit TQA